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Among the disciplines that can be followed in our Box in Arco (TN), Crossfit is the main one. In detail, Crossfit allows both to strengthen the muscles and to increase resistance to prolonged efforts and at the same time to speed up the metabolism.

This set of benefits is possible thanks to a workout that combines weight lifting, performing bodyweight exercises and an important cardiovascular workout: all concentrated in a short but intense session.

Is this what I'm looking for?

Are you bored of the usual gym? Or don't you feel fit? You have no experience? Do not worry! It doesn't matter your sporting background, your age or your physical condition. Crossfit is a discipline for everyone, the important thing is the desire to improve your lifestyle.

The exercises are structured in order to guarantee a high intensity quality training, but at the same time adaptable to the physical preparation of the individual.

As the basic objective is to obtain a healthy and athletic body, Crossfit is also perfect for women, who despite having a hormonal kit different from the male one, do not have to fear getting bigger.
Indeed Crossfit helps you lose weight and tone and is therefore an excellent discipline for women.

Agility and Balance

CrossFit workouts include exercises that mimic the movements you make in everyday life. In addition, they can reduce the risk of injury and improve quality of life with advancing age.


The multi-articulated high-intensity movements in CrossFit will help you gain muscle strength and endurance.


CrossFit's high intensity training benefits the respiratory system by increasing the amount of breathing oxygen.

Fat burning

CrossFit workouts help you burn more calories than other workouts, thanks to the combination of cardio exercises and strength training.
Crossfit: train like a champion

A Crossfit lesson
The 4 phases of training

Warm Up / mobility

In this phase a series of free body exercises is performed to activate the various muscle groups, making joint mobility movements, mainly for the muscles that will be used in the workout.

This initial phase serves to prepare the body for the subsequent intense effort, to reduce the risk of injuries and to make movements easier, by releasing the muscle band.

Skill / Strenght

In this phase the various types of exercises that will make up the workout are explained and practiced.

The coach shows the correct execution of the movements and their natural didactic progression and emphasizes the mistakes that must be avoided. Afterwards, the athletes try the exercises themselves while the coach checks them one by one correcting where necessary.

Workout of the day (WOD)

It is the heart of the lesson. The coach moves on to introducing the WOD, makes sure that all the participants have understood and then you start: the athletes are called to give their best in the established time.

During training, the coach constantly monitors crossfitters, to make sure that they perform all movements correctly and above all in correct posture and in total safety, correcting if necessary.

Recovery / flexibility

It is the phase dedicated to recovery, muscle stretching and cool-down; a series of stretching and cool-down exercises is performed, which is very important for stretching the muscles and releasing the joints after intense work.

There is no precise and fixed list of exercises to perform during a crossfit lesson. During training sessions, disciplines and exercises of various kinds alternate and combine, with different functions and characteristics.

Train safely

Many think it is possible to practice Crossfit even from home. This erroneous belief is due to the idea that the exercises in this discipline are simple and undemanding.
On the contrary, it is of fundamental importance to perform the exercises in the company and under the supervision of an expert instructor, at your side to encourage you to give your best and to correct yourself, in case the execution is wrong.

The Crossfit Arco Box is the ideal place for everyone, both beginners and experts, who want to try their hand at ever new and stimulating group lessons, designed to get you the maximum results.

Come to the gym or contact us to find out more about our courses!

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